Thursday, July 27, 2006

How Hot is Too Hot

Central PA has had a few days of 85 to 90 degree temps this past week or so. Yesterday three or four people mentioned the heat and humidity and asked if it doesn't remind me of South Florida. Actually, it doesn't feel that bad. In West Palm, it was unbearable by 9AM and stayed that way until after dark. Here, even in mid afternoon, it's hot but not unbearable like Fla.
I guess hot (and cold) is in the eye of the beholder.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

It's tourist Season - Does that mean we can Hunt Them?

Summertime in Hershey is tourist season. Since my business is in Hershey and is not tourist related, I put up with the lost drivers, the wandering children and the rudeness that accompanies hoards of people trying to get to a theme park. The interesting thing is that many of the local businesses do nothing to attract the tourist dollar even though they could financially benefit. They cater to their year round business from the locals and if they get some additional tourist business, they won't complain.
One friend owns a pizza and sub shop. He closes every Sunday to give his employees and himself a day off. He could care less about the Sunday tourists. He knows that his business in the Winter is what sustains him, not the 3 or so months per year that the park is jumping. There is another nearby restaurant that is open from 4 to 9PM only and closed on Sunday. They could probably do a big business on Sunday, but don't see the need.
Maybe I've been around too long, but I long for the old system where everything was closed one day per week (usually Sunday). In some of the smaller towns, most local business used to close at 1PM on Wednesday and Saturday, be open after 5PM only on Friday and always close Sunday. Times have changed but I guess I haven't.

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